Saturday, December 15, 2007

Ladies First In The Making

Women forget what it means to be a lady. Women of today's society seem to have forgotten the struggles our ancestors endured for us to be at the social level we are at today.

Because of our ignorance and lack of legacy, we plunge ourselves into an abyss; we are digging a deep hole for ourselves because we continue to degrade our souls, defile our bodies, and ultimately become nothing but a worthless penny. Raised in South Central, Los Angeles and a living testament of struggles young women undergo in her community, I began thinking about what steps one must take to really conquer the obstacles and become a change agent in her community. In the summer of 2007, Deara Okonkwo conceptualized Ladies First, a branch of her dance studio that would outreach to young women in the community (ages 13-18) in an effort to redefine positive images of women and empower them to become the next generation's leaders.

I started by hosting informationals for my organization and attempted to recruit members by visiting local high schools and passing out flyers. I had the opportunity to talk to about 15 girls in sum and recruited under half, 4 to be exact and retained 1. 1 dedicated member of Ladies First. Her name is Nardie Santos, a 17 year olf college freshman who aspires to make change in her community. She is Ladies First and I am proud to have become her mentor, leader and friend.

In 2009, Nardie will begin to write blogs discussing her experience in the organization, moreover, her success in life as a result of membership in this program.

This is all for now, I started drafting this blog last year and wanted to post it sooner than later. What a coincidence that it's two days before the New Year.

Happy New Year in Advance!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

What happened to our L.A.D.I.E.S??

What ever happened to lady-like women such as Princess Diana?
Why is that now so many women are so desperate to be slaves??

What ever happened to aspiring to be as great as Oprah Winfrey?
Why is that we rather put our hopes and complete trust in men to support our every need??

What ever happened to encouraging more women to be as audacious as Hilary Clinton?
Why is that we instead look down on women who defeat the 1950s stereotypes and strive for noteworthy jobs such as the President of the United States??

What ever happened to just the simple courtesy a women had for another?
Why is that now we curse a women out before even learning her name??

What ever happened to Girl Talk?
Why have we replaced it with gossip and spreading fallacious rumors??

What ever happened to best friends forever?
Why is that we are so quick to dislike a girl than befriending??

What ever happened to abstinence until marriage?
Why is that we know call ourselves "hooking up"or having "friends-with-benefits"??

All of these proposed questions, are what we as young ladies seek to answer at Ladies First.
Our Philosophy is to work in harmony as a group of women striving to better serve as role-models and leaders for our community. We hope to leave a legacy for future generations to admire and follow.

Join Ladies First today if you are ready to transition your life and becoming a role-model for women today. Join Ladies First if you already have what it takes to being an aspiring leader. Join Ladies First even if you just need a friend, a supportive lady to talk to?

Join Ladies First TODAY!!